• 19 AW, 913 AG to participate in Bamboo Eagle 24-3

    19th Airlift Wing and 913th Airlift Group assets will be supporting the second iteration of Exercise Bamboo Eagle, an eight-day exercise spanning across various locations in the Western United States and eastern Pacific Ocean, from Aug. 2-9, 2024.

  • Team Little Rock Hydraulics Back Shop saves Air Force millions

    The 19th Maintenance Group hydraulics back shop at Little Rock Air Force Base is saving the Air Force millions annually by repairing all C-130J Super Hercules carbon brakes across the Mobility Enterprise. In 2008, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force approved the implementation of Repair Network

  • Local leaders tour Little Rock AFB

    Leadership from the 19th Airlift Wing met with local Arkansas mayors and elected officials from across Central Arkansas at Little Rock Air Force Base, July 30, 2024.

  • Down, set, hike: Team Little Rock children participate in ProCamp

    The Little Rock Air Force Base Exchange, in collaboration with Procter and Gamble and the Defense Commissary Agency, hosted a two-day P&G Military Hunter Henry Football ProCamp at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, July 1-2, 2024.The event featured Hunter Henry, New England Patriots tight end and former

  • Welch receives command of 19th Operations Group

    Col. Christopher Welch assumed command of the 19th Operations Group from Col. Marty Smith, during a change of command ceremony at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, June 26, 2024.

  • 19 MDG introduces after-hours clinic, boosts mission capabilities

    The 19th Medical Group Dental Flight introduced a new initiative to provide more flexible care options at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, to members whose duty hours fall outside of the clinic’s normal hours of operation.The initiative was sparked by the need to accommodate to unique schedules

  • 34th CTS Change of Command

    Lt. Col. Therese Landin, outgoing 34th Combat Training Squadron commander, relinquished command to Lt. Col. Michael McKenna, incoming 34th CTS commander, at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, June 3, 2024.

  • 61st AS visits Norway, Sweden

    Members of the U.S. Air Force 61st Airlift Squadron visited Norway and Sweden from May 7 to May 18, 2024. The visit served to strengthen ties between the nations’ air forces and to welcome Sweden to NATO.