Little Rock Air Force Base's Comprehensive Airman Fitness

Comprehensive Airmen Fitness Page Banner

CAF Seal LogoComprehensive Airman Fitness (CAF) is a philosophy and methodology of taking care of people. CAF allows us to ensure that we are taking care of our Airmen and their families, providing for their physical, social, mental and social fitness. The intent is to create and sustain communities on our AMC installations that give Airmen and their families a sense of belonging to the Air Force community, in which they live, work and play.

CAF also intends to strengthen force resilience, helping our Airmen, Air Force civilians and family members become more resilient and better equipped to deal with the rigors of military life. Some indicators include building relationship skills; enhancing deployment/re-integration preparation and support; increasing financial readiness; building hope in the face of adversity; and reducing self-defeating behaviors.

Little Rock Air Force Base

A family gathers together with a dog for a photo.
Little Rock AFB's guide to Comprehensive Airman Fitness

Leadership Pathways Link

What is Leadership Pathways? Leadership Pathways is an Air Force program that Air Mobility Command has adopted to help support the Comprehensive Airmen Fitness Strategy. Helping agencies across the installation will offer courses/classes that support or focus on one of the four CAF domains (social, physical, spiritual and mental). Many of the courses offered are ones you've seen before on base wingman days or throughout the year, but now they are part of LP (e.g., Dads 101, Vital 90, Bundles for Babies). 

Airmen and their families will now receive LP credit for attending the courses and are recognized at the squadron, group and wing level for their accomplishments. The goal of LP and the integration of CAF-centered courses is to help our Airmen, Air Force civilians and family members become more resilient and better equipped to deal with the rigors of military life. LP courses will help create and sustain communities at Little Rock AFB that give Airmen and their families a sense of belonging to the Air Force community, in which they live, work and play. The courses will encourage help-seeking in a low-stress, classroom environment, helping reduce the stigma associated with seeking help.

Mental Fitness Domain Module Title

Bldg. 1090, Arnold Drive (Base Clinic), 2nd Floor
Little Rock AFB, AR 72099
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 0730-1630
Office Phone: (501) 941-6686
24/7 Emergency Provider: Command Post (501) 987-1900

The MHC's mission is to assist Commanders in maintaining a mentally fit force and maximize the readiness of their people. Experience has shown us that early attention to behavioral and emotional problems results in more rapid improvement, less duty impairment, and a decreased likelihood of negative career impact for the member.

Bldg 950, Arnold Drive
Little Rock AFB, AR 72099
Office Phone: (501) 987-6014

Chaplains are available to minister to active duty and retired personnel, and their eligible family members. Chaplains are here to minister to people of all faiths. A person may request to see a chaplain of a particular faith when available. When counseling with a chaplain you have total confidentiality. The chaplains cannot share any information with anyone without your permission

Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC)

Walters Community Support Center
Bldg. 940, Arnold Drive
MFLC Phone: (501) 941-6686

Provide anonymous, confidential support to Airmen and their family members, especially those returning from deployments. Program serves active duty Air Force, National Guard and Reserve Airmen and their families. Certified counselors can help you and your family problem solve with issues resulting from deployment, reunions, reintegration and other times of change including: marriage and relationship issues, family issues, stress and anxiety, depression, grief and loss, anger management, and parent and child communication.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT)

Contact 19 AW Mental Health Clinic
Bldg. 1090, Arnold Drive (Base Clinic), 2nd Floor
Little Rock AFB, AR 72099
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 0730-1630
Office Phone: (501) 987-7338

ADAPT Clinic's mission is to promote readiness, health and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance abuse; to minimize the negative consequences of abuse to the individual, family and organization; to provide comprehensive education and treatment to individuals who experience problems attributed to substance abuse; and return identified substance abusers to unrestricted duty status or to assist them in their transition to civilian life, as appropriate.

Physical Fitness Domain Module Title

Building 827, 6th Street
Hours of Operations:

  • Monday - Thursday 0500-2200
  • Friday 0500-1900
  • Saturday 0900-1800
  • Sunday and Federal Holidays Closed

Office Phone: (501) 987-7716

Fitness Center Info:
The overall objective of this program is to maintain the highest possible morale and promote the physical fitness of Air Force personnel, dependents and civilians.


Building 827, 6th Street (Inside Fitness Center)
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 0730-1630
Office Phone: (501) 987-7288

The Health and Wellness Center offers a variety of programs and classes on nutrition, fitness improvement, movement improvement, stress management and more. The HAWC is your one stop shop for improving your health and performance. The center is staffed with professional trainers and a registered dietician to help provide you counsel and guidance for your physical health.


Building 656
Hours of Operations:

  • Monday and Friday 0730-1700
  • Tuesday and Thursday 0900-1700
  • Wednesday 1200-1700
  • Saturday 0800-1200

Office Phone: (501) 987-3365

Outdoor Rec Info:
Get out and have fun! Outdoor recreation programs typically include organized activities: trips, hikes, fishing, skydiving.  They also offer equipment support: rent bikes, skis, campers, kayaks, tents, etc., as well as customer services: get custom fitted for skis, bikes, sleeping bags, etc., and they may offer outdoor recreation related customer services like fishing licenses or ski tickets.

Spiritual Domain Module Title

Base Chapel
Bldg 950, Arnold Drive
Office Phone: (501) 987-6014

Spiritual fitness does not mean religion. However, those who wish to develop this domain through worship or prayer, the base chapel has a variety of services to include: spiritual retreats, worship/prayer services, religious education, pastoral counseling and more. Contact the chapel to learn more.


Walters Community Support Center
Bldg 940, Arnold Drive

  • Monday - Thursday 100-1700
  • Friday - Saturday 1000-1700 

Office Phone: (501) 987-6979

The base library can help facilitate your spiritual growth or development. The library offers a wide range of spiritually enhancing resources: books, videos, audio presentations, etc. Check out an audio book to enjoy on your next run or a CD with soothing music to play during meditation.


Bldg 656, 6th Street
Hours of Operation:

  • Monday and Friday 0730-1700
  • Tuesday and Thursday 0900-1700
  • Wednesday 1200-1700
  • Saturday 0800-1200

Office Phone: (501) 987-3365

Perhaps you seek purpose or find perspective in the great outdoors. Outdoor recreation can help you attain that goal. Outdoor Rec provides organized trips to hike, fish and more. Or maybe you want to rent a camper or canoe for a weekend adventure. Call Outdoor Rec to see what they can offer you.


Bldg. 827, 6th Street (Inside Fitness Center)
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 0730-1630
Office Phone: (501) 987-7288

Spiritual health and fitness can be attained through physical wellness too. Many individuals find the drive to persevere or time to reflect during a long run, work out or a particular yoga routine. The Health & Wellness Center can provide counsel and advice on how to manage stress, center yourself and more.

Social Fitness Domain Module Title

Military & Family Readiness Programs
Walters Community Support Center
Bldg. 940 Arnold Drive
Office Phone: (501) 987-2667

M&FRC Info:
The MFRC serves as a one-stop information and referral center and is the cornerstone of the Little Rock family support system, helping Airmen and their families enhance their readiness and quality of life. The goals of the M&FRC are: to build community-centered family support, collaborate with other on/off base helping agencies, offer services that foster individual and family adaptation, utilize both high-tech and high-touch methods of service delivery, and promote leadership that understands the connection between strong families, strong communities, and strong Air Force.

19th FSS Morale, Welfare & Recreation Programs

The 19th FSS has a variety of events, programs, facilities, and services that help promote your social fitness. Check out a comprehensive list at their website:

Force Support programs are vital to mission accomplishment and form an integral part of the non-pay compensation system. These programs provide a sense of community among patrons and provide support services commonly furnished by other employers or other state and local governments to their employees and citizens. Force Support programs encourage positive individual values and aid in recruitment and retention of personnel.


Military & Family Readiness Center
Walters Community Support Center
Bldg. 940 Arnold Drive
Office Phone: (501) 987-2667

The MFRC is the central point in your community for volunteer issues. The MFRC coordinates installation volunteer recruitment, training and recognition in collaboration with other base agencies. To become a volunteer; spouses would complete the Volunteer Interest Form and fax or e-mail it to the M&FRC (details are on the form). Military members can access the form at AFPORTAL/mybase/sharepoint/rockpoint/19fss/volunteer action committee tab.

Information, Tickets and Travel

(NEW Location and Hours) Outdoor Recreation

Hours of Operation:

  Winter Hours-November – February
  Monday & Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  Wednesday: Closed
  Thursday & Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

  Summer Hours-March – October
  Monday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  Wednesday: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  Thursday & Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

  ITT Info: 
  Get out and have fun! The Information, Tickets, and Travel program provides customer driven     
  travel venues and services and entertainment activities, 
  focusing on full service travel amenities and theme parks, local event venues, tours and   
  information of the local area and total travel assistance. 
  Office Phone: (501) 987-5105

Integrated Relilience Office
(501) 987-1772

Walters Community Support Center
940 Arnold Drive, (In New Welcome Center)
Little Rock AFB, AR 72099

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