Inspector General's Office

mission statement graphic

Role of Inspector General

graphic explaining the role of the air force IG


What is the role of the Inspector General in regards to complaints?
The primary charge of the Inspector General in this role is to ensure a responsive Complaint Resolution Program. The Inspector General does this by analyzing complaints through fair, impartial, and objective fact-finding.

The Inspector General assists complainants by providing them feedback or advice; or directing the complainant to the right entity, agency, or reference that handles that type of complaint. The Inspector General will transfer or refer complaints to the most appropriate agency or entity that handles that type of complaint. The Inspector General dismisses complaints if there is no rule, law, regulation, or policy violation; or if more than one year has elapsed. The Inspector General does investigate restriction or reprisal complaints.

• The Inspector General is a fact finding agency, not an advocate agency.
• The Inspector General is an independent agency, which reports only to their direct Commander or higher.
• The Inspector General only makes recommendations, only Commanders who have the legal authority over the decision can take action.
• The Inspector General does not inquiry or investigate allegations into themselves or the Commanders they are directly under. Those complaints are elevated to the next higher level of Command.
• The Inspector General educates Airmen, Supervisors, and Commanders on their rights and responsibilities.

Fraud, Waste and Abuse
The 19th Airlift Wing Inspector General’s Office is responsible for the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program on Little Rock AFB. The Air Force FWA Program’s primary focus is to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse of Air Force and military resources and assets; as well as to detect and correct instances of fraud, waste, and abuse. 


The success of the FWA program lies with each individual within the Air Force. So, if you encounter or suspect instances of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse of Air Force or military resources and assets then please contact the 19th Airlift Wing Inspector General’s Office or the FWA Program Hotline at (501) 987-3006.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I file a complaint?
Contact the 19th Airlift Wing Inspector General’s (19 AW/IG) Office.

19 AW/IG
1260 Thomas Ave
Little Rock AFB, AR 72099
Phone: (501) 987-3596; DSN 731-3596
Fax: (501) 987-8461; DSN 731-8461

Do I need special permission to communicate with the Inspector General?
No. It is a legal right to communicate with an Inspector General. The Whistleblower Act ensures you can communicate with an Inspector General when you believe you have an allegation of wrongdoing or injustice.

What should I expect as result of filing an Inspector General complaint?
An impartial analysis and review of the allegation of wrongdoing or injustice. Additionally, you will not be reprised against for a communication to an Inspector General of alleged wrongdoing or injustice.

Do you need to know all the rules, regulations, laws or polices to determine if you should talk to the Inspector General?
No. If you are unsure, call and ask the question. If it is something best handled through the Inspector General channels we will let you know. Additionally, if there is an agency or entity better suited to solve your problem we will ensure you are put in contact with the right agency or entity.






Contact Information

1260 Thomas Avenue
Rooms 104 & 105
Little Rock AFB AR 72099-4940

Office hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Phone: (501) 987-3596, DSN: 731-3596
Fax: (501) 987-8461, DSN: 731-8461

DOD IG Resources

graphic for fraud waste and abuse

graphic for whistle blower

Department of defense hotline graphic

Stay Connected

Programs and Services Contact 

Base Operator

NOT Handled by the IG

Listed are some of the issues and areas that are not handled by the Inspector General offices but by other agencies, entities, or processes:
• Appropriated Fund Employee Conditions of Employment
• Nonappropriated Fund Employees Conditions of Employment
• Equal Opportunity (i.e. discrimination, sexual harassment, etc.)
• Administrative Separations
• Landlord or Base Tenant Disputes
• Claims against the Government
• Correction of military records
• Officer Performance Reports
• Enlisted Performance Reports
• Promotion Recommendation Forms
• Support of Dependents
• Private Indebtedness
• Airmen Powered by Innovation Program
• Change to a rule, regulation, instruction, or policy
• Elimination from training
• Unprofessional Relationships/Adultery
• Letter of Counseling, Admonishment, or Reprimand
• Punishment under UCMJ (i.e. courts martial, nonjudicial punishment, etc.)
• Article 138, UCMJ (Compliant of Wrong)
• Medical Treatment
• TRICARE Complaints
• Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Issues
• Privacy Act
• Intelligence Oversight
• Area Defense Counsel

UPDATED 20 Nov 2023