Comprehensive Airman Fitness (CAF) is a philosophy and methodology to taking care of people. CAF allows us to focus our efforts on ensuring we take care of our Airmen and their families, providing for their physical, social, mental, and social fitness. The intent is to create and sustain communities on our AMC installations that give Airmen and their families a sense of belonging to the Air Force community, in which they live, work and play.

The intended result of CAF is to strengthen force resilience, helping our Airmen, Air Force civilians and family members become more resilient and better-equipped to deal with the rigors of military life.. Some indicators include building relationship skills; enhancing deployment/re-integration preparation and support; increasing financial readiness; building hope in the face of adversity; and reducing self-defeating behaviors.

Each domain below is part of CAF, and there are resources to develop your personal resilience at Little Rock AFB.

Awareness - Adaptability - Decision Making - Positive Thinking

Endurance - Nutrition - Recovery - Strength

Communication - Connectedness - Social Support - Teamwork

Core Values - Perseverence - Perspective - Purpose

The biggest reward that Leadership Pathways will give you is one that may not be tangible. The program and its classes will give you tools to tackle issues or challenges in every facet of your life, helping you become more resilient and better equipped to deal with the rigors of military life. There is a recognition process that will help you set goals for your education and give you additional incentive to finish.

The recognition process is a three-tiered system: Wingman, Leader, Warrior. At this time, each class is worth 1 credit/point. Participants are awarded the status of Wingman, upon achieving 10 LP credits; Leader, awarded upon achieving 20 LP credits, and Warrior, awarded upon achieving 30 LP credits. Credits earned for each tier are cumulative.

Wingman status: you will receive a certificate from your squadron commander. Leader status: you will receive a certificate from your group commander and your name published in the base newspaper. Warrior status: you will receive a certificate from the wing commander, your name published in the base newspaper, and your name on the Warrior Wall here. 

The "Wingman, Leader, Warrior" recognition program is designed to incentivize participation but also demonstrate the commitment and support of LP by Little Rock AFB leadership who recognize resilience as a vital part of the lives of our Airmen and their families.


A1C Orlando Edwards 19 AMXS

SSgt Darryl Overton 19 LRS

SrA Christopher Conant 19 LRS

A1C Jayla Pryor 19 LRS


Last Updated 13 Nov 2024




Last Updated 13 Nov 2024

TSgt Maria Catungal 19 LRS



Last Updated 13 Nov 2024