When will the next air show be held?
The Air Show will tenatively be in 2026.
Base Access:
Can I drive myself on the base and look around?
Due to security requirements, the public is not allowed on any Department of Defense installation without escort by a holder of a DoD identification card, so self-guided visits are not possible.
How can I schedule a tour of LRAFB?
The 19h Airlift Wing Public Affairs office provides tours on a space-available basis as mission and staffing permit. Listed below are our minimum requirements for base tours.
Please use the Base Tour request form for information about tours or call (501) 987-6744.
Due to security requirements, the public is not allowed on any DoD installation without escort by a holder of a DoD identification card, so self-guided visits are not possible.
What is the phone number for the base operator?
The LRAFB operator can be reached at (501) 987-1110. DSN 731-1110.
What is the best way to find out about civilian employment opportunities at LRAFB?
Please visit the Employment Web Page at https://www.littlerock.af.mil/Helping-Agencies/Civilian-Personnel/ for information on employment opportunities at LRAFB.
How do I request non-aviation Armed Forces participation in public events?
Please use Form DD form 2536 to request all Armed Forces musical unit, troop, Color/Honor Guard, and/or exhibit/equipment participation in public events.
How do I request aerial event support for community engagement events?
To request event approval, visit www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil to complete the DD Form 2535, Request for Military Aerial Support, with as much lead time as possible (usually a minimum of 45 days), before any Air Force asset can participate in your events.
Check out https://www.littlerock.af.mil/Helping-Agencies/Public-Affairs/Request-PA-Support/ for more information about these and other forms such as Base Tour Requests and Guest Speaker Requests.
Where can I find information about the Air Force Freedom of Information Act?
Please visit the Freedom of Information Act Web Page at https://www.afpc.af.mil/About/Freedom-of-Information-Act for the information you need.
How can I request the request Honor Guard?
The primary mission of the Little Rock Air Force Base Honor Guard is to represent the Air Force by rendering military honors for Air Force personnel and their family members during funeral services. They also serve at Change of Command and retirement ceremonies, as well as provide their services for opening ceremonies for appropriate events attended by the general public.
For Honor Guard support for funerals or memorial services for active-duty personnel, veterans or retirees, contact the Honor Guard directly at (501) 987-6317 email 19fss.fsoh.honorguard@us.af.mil. Funeral and memorial service requests do not need Public Affairs approval.
1. Provide at least 30 days’ notice.
2. Please remember that the honor guard's primary function is to support funerals. Though rare, your request could be cancelled.
3. Requests are balanced against several factors - does it support the Air Force, does it project the proper image, is it open to the public, it is not a fundraiser, etc.
4. Send an official request to the Little Rock AFB Public Affairs Office by e-mail: 19aw.paall@us.af.mil. Public affairs will call you for more information, if needed.
5. If approved, Public Affairs will send the approved request directly to the Little Rock AFB Honor Guard.
Honor Guard Request:
How do I request Honor Guard Services?
How do I find the hours of operation and/or contact information for various units or services on base?
The best way to find hours of operation and any other information about the services provided on base is to visit Base Services, or Units, on this website. You may also download our mobile app which will give you specific times, locations, and phone numbers for most of activities on base. Our mobile app has the most comprehensive lists of contact information.
Housing: How do I get housing on the base?
Can I hunt and fish on the base?
Base lakes support a fishery composed of largemouth bass, channel catfish, black crappie, and bluegill sunfish
For more information related to hunting and fishing at LRAFB visit: Little Rock Air Force Base Natural Resources iSportsman
How do I get an ID card on base?
Phone Number: (501) 987-6831
Address: 1255 Vandenberg Drive, Suite 115, Bldg. 1255 in the Consolidated Support Center
Appointments are available by logging into: https://19fss.setmore.com/
Operating Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
How do I get temporary lodging on the base?
Members of the media should contact the 19th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office at (501) 987-6744 or email 19aw.pa@us.af.mil with any queries or requests pertaining to Little Rock AFB events.
I am PCSing to LRAFB, where can I go to find information about the base and surrounding area?
Noise Complaints
How can I notify the base of an aircraft noise disturbance?
Official Photo
How do I schedule an official photo?
An appointment for an official photo can be made on our webpage.
The 19h Airlift Wing Public Affairs office provides head-and-shoulders portraits on Tuesdays, and full-length photos on Wednesdays from 0800-1100.
Passport Photo
Where can I go on base to get my passport photo taken?
The 19h Airlift Wing Public Affairs office provides walk-in passport/visa photo appointments Monday-Friday from 0900-1100.
Do I have to be a retired veteran to use places like the commissary, the exchange or other places on the base?
Where can I find information about veterans’ benefits online?
I'm looking for volunteers to support my event. Who should I call?