Inclement Weather

 For Current Inclement Weather
Reporting Procedures Call:

(501) 987-HERK (4375)

Know the procedures.
Have a plan and be ready.

Inclement Weather Procedures at Little Rock AFB​

Types of Reporting

The installation commander is the approval authority for base operating procedures in the event of inclement weather.

During inclement weather, to ensure the safety of personnel and set guidelines for mission continuity, report/release procedures will be followed.  Depending on the circumstances of the winter weather activity, the installation commander may authorize the following: early release, delayed reporting or mission-essential reporting only.

EARLY RELEASE: Unit commanders and supervisors will release personnel who are non-mission essential. Civilian employees under an approved telework agreement will be required to complete their work day in a telework status. All non-essential personnel will need to pick up their children from the Child Development Center (CDCs) and Youth Center.

DELAYED REPORTING: Delayed reporting applies to military and civilian personnel; personal leave will not be charged. Members are not expected to be at work until the delayed reporting time. The purpose of delayed reporting during hazardous weather conditions is to allow time for the roads and parking areas to be cleared and permit base personnel additional time for safe travel to their work center.

MISSION-ESSENTIAL REPORTING: Personnel identified by their commanders as mission essential or as identified in Civilian Position Descriptions are to report for duty (commanders are responsible to make this designation in advance). Civilian personnel identified as mission essential by their Position Description for Appropriated Fund employees, and the FSS Commander for Non-Appropriated Fund employees, are to report for duty. Service members not required to report will be placed on telephone standby until further notice. Civilian personnel not required to report, and not under an approved telework agreement, will be placed on administrative leave as granted by the installation commander. Only those children of mission essential personnel are allowed to be dropped off at the CDCs and Youth Center. Mission Essential Personnel must submit a signed designation letter in advance to the CDC or Youth Center.

School Reporting

The Lighthouse Academy is in the Jacksonville/North Pulaski School District. If Jacksonville/North Pulaski schools are closed, the Lighthouse Academy will also be closed, even if the base is open. If the base is closed, but Jacksonville/North Pulaski schools are open, the Lighthouse Academy will follow the base and be closed.

Information about Procedures

Information about base reporting postures will be distributed through multiple channels, including:

  • Base-wide email or Commander's Call (during normal duty hours)
  • Notification from supervisors (to include a unit recall, as directed)
  • Official Social media (Facebook/AFConnect App) and
  • On-base alerts: Marquee and Giant Voice
  • HERKLINE: 501-987-HERK (4375)
  • AtHoc Installation Warning System Alerts
  • Local Media

Other Safety Information

When off-base: report all emergencies via 911, including all vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, off-road entrapments, or other weather-related incidents. For on-base reporting call the following: fire or medical emergencies 911; power outages 987-6553; vehicle accidents 501-987-3221; building damage 501-987- 6554. When poor driving conditions are suspected, call the Arkansas Road Condition Hotline (501-569- 2374 or 1-800-245-1672) or go online to ( to receive up-to-the-minute updates on area road conditions.

If LRAFB is on normal or delayed reporting and you assess that conditions in your area are unsafe for travel, do NOT put yourself into an unsafe situation to report to duty. Please notify your chain of command for further guidance. We will make every effort to announce implementation of inclement weather procedures at the earliest possible time. Use risk management principals to develop a safe plan: assess the situation, take action to mitigate/eliminate risk, communicate with your leadership, family, or a Wingman, and decide to continue or “knock it off.” Any safety or risk management questions can be directed to 19th Airlift Wing Occupational Safety Section at 501-533-9347.

Frequently Asked Questions

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