Victims Council Flyer

The Victims Counsel (VC) program is run by the JAG Corps.  Its members are experienced attorneys and paralegals who are specially trained to represent victims of crimes to include sexual assault, domestic violence, and interpersonal violence. The VC represents the client directly and does not report to the local chain of command. The VC communications with victims are completely confidential.  The VC advocates for and ensures that the client's expressed interests are heard by leadership and the prosecuting legal office.

Becoming a Part of the SVC

The Victims Counsel (VC) program is run by the JAG Corps. Its members are experienced attorneys and paralegals who are specially trained to represent victims of crimes to include sexual assault, domestic violence, and interpersonal violence.

Qualified attorneys and paralegals can become Victims Counsels and Victims' Paralegals by volunteering on the Assignment Management System (AMS). The latest qualifications should be posted on the SPECAT.