Helping Agency

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"Building ROCK-Solid Lives"

Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate

Domestic abuse ribbon Within the Family Advocacy Program, the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy (DAVA) Program provides a broad range of services to military-affiliated victims of partner maltreatment. Advocacy services are provided with the goal of increasing victim safety and autonomy. Services include responding to victims’ emergency and ongoing safety concerns and needs; providing information on programs and services available to victims and their children in both civilian and military communities; and providing victims with ongoing support and referrals.

With the exception of mandatory state, federal, and military reporting requirements (i.e., domestic violence, child abuse, and duty to warn situations) the DAVA provides a private and confidential service to encourage victims in seeking assistance.

Domestic Violence?

What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence.

Abuse can take many forms. Battering may include emotional, economic, physical and/or sexual abuse, manipulation, isolation, and a variety of other behavior used to maintain fear, intimidation and power.

Acts of domestic violence may fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Emotional Abuse: This form of abuse can include verbal and emotional abuse, harassment, name calling threatening harm or violence, threatening suicide, controlling the victim’s activities and relationships, excessive possessiveness, isolation from friends and family, deprivation of physical and economic resources, and destruction of personal property.
  • Physical Abuse: The abuser’s aggressive behavior can range from bruising to murder and can include punching, pushing, biting, slapping, pinching, kicking and choking. Initial abusive behavior may seem trivial but can and does escalate into more frequent and serious attacks.
  • Sexual Abuse: Physical abuse can be accompanied by, or can culminate in, sexual violence, including any forced sexual activity. Examples of sexual abuse include unwanted touching or fondling, accusations of unfaithfulness, sex after violence, physically attacking genitals and unwanted sexual intercourse.

DAVA Program Overview

• Provide 24 Hour response & support to victims
• Extend Domestic Violence Sexual Assault 
  Victim Advocacy (if the alleged offender is the
  partner in the context of an intimate   
  partner or when the victim is a military
  dependent who is 17 years of age or younger)
• Establish & maintain effective safety plans,
  immediately reporting any changes in
  circumstances that may impact the safety
• Assess lethality and the imminent risk of harm
• Advise victims of their rights & reporting
• Present victims information & resources
  regarding their identified needs and/or
• Empower the victim to advocate for the safety
  needs of self and children
• Accompany the victim to appointments or
  court proceedings when requested by the


The following adult (18 and older) populations are eligible for DAVA services:

  • Active-duty members of the military services and their legal family members who are eligible for a military-issued identification    card and eligible to receive military medical treatment
  • Reserve-component members and their legal family members while on active duty
  • Former civilian spouses and intimate partners including a person with whom the abuser shares a child in common or a current    or former intimate partner with whom the abuser shares or has shared a common domicile are eligible only for limited services including safety-planning and referrals to civilian support services.

reporting options

Restricted Reporting: A restricted report is a CONFIDENTIAL report of domestic abuse. The report allows a victim to receive medical treatment and advocacy services without notice to the victim’s or alleged offender’s commanders or law enforcement. This disclosure of domestic abuse must be made to a victim advocate, Healthcare provider, or SARC.

Unrestricted Reporting: An unrestricted report triggers an investigation and involves legal services. Unrestricted reports include reports of domestic violence from any other source (i.e. Security Forces, Anonymous Reports, First Sergeants, etc.).

Family Advocacy Program


Family Advocacy
1090 Arnold Drive
Little Rock AFB, AR 72099

Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate
Little Rock AFB, AR 72099

DAVA Emergency Contact Number:
24HRS 501-204-8870


Safety Plan

Victim Service List


Installation Director
Equal Opportunity