U.S. Rep. French Hill visits EOD team, recognizes efforts Oct. 25, 2024

U.S. Rep. French Hill visited Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, Oct. 24, 2024, to present 19th Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance Disposal members with the Congressional Records related to a recent speech he gave.

Previously, Rep. Hill spoke on the House Floor in Washington, D.C., recognizing the efforts of the EOD team during a traffic incident on I-40 in central Arkansas involving military explosives. The EOD team sprang into action along with the state’s First Responders to secure the Hazardous cargo and move it away from the civilian populations while also restoring use of the highway in short order.

“I was proud to meet with the Airmen during my recent visit to Little Rock Air Force Base and thank them for their bravery during this instance,” Hill said. “It was truly impressive, my hats off to these brave Airmen from Team Little Rock and all of Arkansas is proud for their efforts and service to our country.”

In addition to the presentation, the EOD team spoke with Hill about their capabilities while deployed abroad, showcased their robotics technology and an explosives demonstration.