LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. -- Airmen now have a new dining option with the grand opening of a 24-hour mini market in dormitory 764 at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, Oct. 24, 2024.
The True North program, partnered with the Military Training Leaders and the Base Exchange, opened a new self-serve mini market to provide another affordable and convenient option for Airmen in training, working unconventional hours or in need of a quick refreshment.
Prior to the self-serve market, referred to as “Avenue C,” the MTLs managed a small snack bar to provide the students some meal options.
“I typically visit with the 714th TRS on Fridays, and one day I just happened to be in the room when the MTLs were talking about needing to go shopping for their snack bar,” said Capt. Timothy Boyer, 314th Airlift Group True North chaplain. “After speaking with the MTLs a bit, I discovered the snack bar was not a fundraiser, it was a necessity for our Airmen’s wellness, and managing it was a burden on our MTLs.”
The MTLs were managing snack bar funds, inventory and purchasing to ensure the Airmen in their care had access to meals during the odd hours they would return from classes, Boyer explained.
“This just speaks to how great it is to have our True North chaplains, who think outside the box to support our units, working so closely with our MTLs and unit leadership to make real differences for our Airmen,” said Senior Master Sgt. Angel Sanchez, 714th TRS senior enlisted leader. “Taking care of our Airmen’s physical needs shows the Airmen our team cares about them, from their leadership to their MTLs to their chaplain team. It makes our team stronger.”
Understanding that this was meeting a true need for the Airmen, the Base Exchange was able to get the market up and running within a month of the initial request.
“The newly added retail unit provides additional convenience for Airmen who need a late-night snack or a quick refuel,” said Barbara Commons, Little Rock AFB Exchange general manager. “Having a retail unit right down the hall gives Airmen another accessible option for food, beverages and select toiletries, too, that support their readiness and resiliency.”