Little Rock AFB moves to HPCON Charlie in response to COVID-19

  • Published
  • By 19th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
  • 19th Airlift Wing

Little Rock Air Force Base moved to Health Protection Condition (HPCON) Charlie on March 25, 2020 in accordance with the Secretary of Defense’s guidance to help combat the spread of COVID-19 across the Department of the Air Force and our local communities.

HPCON Charlie indicates a substantial threat of disease for personnel due to a local or regional epidemic outbreak with a high rate of disease in a population, imminent spread of such a disease, and/or a wide area of contamination that requires special or costly avoidance procedures.

HPCON Charlie measures include the following actions:

  • Continue essential missions with required manning. Installation operations will be commensurate with federal, state and local guidelines; installation commanders will determine the installation’s essential missions and required manning in coordination with mission partners. Consider issuing documentation as proof for personnel who require movement to and from the base in support of essential missions.
  • Maximizing remote/telework options. Only conduct in-person mission essential meetings that require the fewest personnel.
  • Continued cancellation of daily/non-mission essential in-person gatherings (e.g., schools, daycare, all community activities) and potential restricted ability to travel. Commissary, Base Exchange and pharmacy remain open to DoD ID card holders.
  • Prepare for limited and/or restricted access to the installation, if directed. May include modifications to facility entrances/exits. The trusted traveler program will be suspended effective March 26, 2020 at 12 p.m.
  • Instruct military personnel and encourage civilian employees to limit off-base travel to movement to/from work, grocery and hospital/medical needs.
  • Follow COVID-19 guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as from the 19th Medical Group, to include social distancing, proper handwashing hygiene, avoiding touching face, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, staying home if sick.

“Our success in flattening the curve depends on all of us adhering to strict guidelines set by the CDC, and accepting personal but temporary inconveniences for the greater systematic good,” said Col. John Schutte, 19th Airlift Wing and installation commander. “Do not come to work unless directed, but find a way to get better at your job. Protect yourselves and your loved ones by avoiding unnecessary social interactions. Isolate yourself but do not become isolated. We will get through this together and be stronger from it on the other side.”

If you develop flu-like symptoms with fever and cough or shortness of breath and may have had contact with a person who has COVID-19 or had recent travel to areas considered high-risk, contact your health care provider before seeking medical care to prevent possible transmission in the health care setting.

For more information, visit

For more information on Air Force COVID-19 efforts, visit