19th Medical Group Pharmacy Services

Location: 1090 Arnold Drive, Little Rock AFB, AR 72099

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; closed: weekends, holidays, Family Days, Airmen’s Time and every third Thursday morning of the month for training day.

Pharmacy Phone Number: 501-987-7446, Refill Line 1-877-329-5762

Auto-Notify Service
Please ask to be enrolled in our auto-notify service that will text or call you when your prescription is ready. You can be enrolled in person or drop a request in the drop box including a good phone number and your preference for a text or automated phone call.

Prescription Activation
To activate a prescription over the MHS Genesis Patient Portal click “Message my Provider” and select “Little Rock Pharmacy”.  Please include the medication name and the prescribing physician to be activated.  Electronic Prescriptions activated via the Genesis Portal will be ready at the time quoted or when you receive an auto-notification message.

To activate by Q-Anywhere text “Get in line” to 1-833-444-3662.  At the prompt enter the patient’s DoD ID number.  Next, verify the patient’s information by typing “Done”.  Specify your prescription will be from Option 1: Off-Base Provider (Main Pharmacy) or Option 2: On-Base Provider (Refill Pharmacy) by texting that numeric option.  You will then receive a ticket number with a message any prescription sent within 14 days will be activated.  You do not need to come to the pharmacy until you receive a text from auto-notification when your medication is ready if you’ve registered for that service.

To activate by voicemail call 501-987-7446 and press option 4.  Please ensure you listen to the instructions leaving all requested information slowly and clearly.  This voicemail is only for prescription activation you won’t receive a return call.  You will receive a text from auto-notification when your medication is ready if you’ve registered for that service.

Clinic Provider Prescriptions
Clinic provider prescriptions can be activated in person or with the MHS Genesis Patient Portal. Medications activated in person can be activated any time for same day service and the MHS Genesis Patient Portal prescriptions available at the time quoted.  Expect responses on the Portal if an issue prevents us filling your medication.  Otherwise, your prescription is ready when you receive your auto-notification message.

Electronic Prescriptions
Have your doctor send us prescriptions electronically to “DOD LITTLE ROCK PHARMACY”. We now accept all prescriptions electronically including narcotics from on and off base providers.  Electronic prescriptions can be activated in person by 1500 for same day services. To activate a prescription over the MHS Genesis Patient Portal click “Message my Provider” and select “Little Rock Pharmacy”. Please include the medication name and the prescribing physician to be activated.  Electronic Prescriptions activated via the Genesis Portal will be ready at the time quoted.  Expect responses on the Portal if an issue prevents us filling your medication.  Otherwise, your prescription is ready when you receive your auto-notification message.

Hard Copy Prescriptions
Hard copy prescriptions must be dropped off at the prescription drop box. These prescriptions will be ready in 4 duty days.  Due to changes in Arkansas state law all narcotic prescriptions must be sent electronically as described above.

Emergency Prescriptions
Exceptions made for VA prescriptions and antibiotics or pain medications from emergency or urgent care establishments for same day service.

Patients may request refills 24-hours a day on the automated refill line at 1-877-329-5762. Refills are a three (3) duty day turnaround, please plan accordingly. Refills may be requested up to 3-weeks early on a 90-day supply of medication. Refills will only be allowed 3 days early on controlled substances. If you have no remaining refills, call the appointment line and ask to speak to a nurse or make an appointment with your provider if necessary. Please do this at least 2 weeks before you run out of medication.

Prescription transfers can be requested in person or by printing and filling out the transfer form under pharmacy resources and placing in the pharmacy drop box or sending a scanned copy by the MHS Genesis Portal. Please have your prescription numbers and pharmacy information available at the time of the request. These prescriptions will be available in 3 duty days.

Pharmacy Check In Graphic

Pharmacy Resources

Updated Nov 2024