• Taking back their health

    Heather Baxter works as a captain in the 19th ForceSupport Squadron civilian personnel flight through the week and serves as a captainon the weekend in the Air National Guard. She is another person who’s transformedher body and her health with diet and exercise.So Heather, what made you decide to

  • Taking back their health

    (Editor’s note: Chandra Erskine, wife of Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Erksine, former chief enlisted manager for the 19th Mission Support Group, no longer lives at Little Rock Air Force Base, but the lifestyle changes she made while here helps her pursue a healthier future.) We asked Erskine if she

  • Little Rock AFB implements new meal card regulation

    Changes to the dining facilities meal card regulations are in full effect as of May 2016, and have sparked an array of questions from meal card holders. The Air Force Services Agency introduced a new food service operation, referred to as the Food Transformation Initiative, beginning in 2010.

  • Commentary: Improving health through nutrition

    For years, I never thought about the food and drinks I put in my body. My breakfast would consist of Dr. Pepper and honey buns. I’ve always been a gym rat running marathons, lifting weight and playing basketballOn the outside I looked fit and healthy but on the inside I was causing serious damage to