LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. -- Becoming fit-to-fight doesn’t require running a marathon or scaling a mountain; it does require dedication, time and effort necessary to become a physically capable Airman.
Attaining this goal may be harder for some than others, yet it’s possible for everyone. The tools to achieve this aspiration can be found through the doors of the Fitness and Sports Center on Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark.
“Our mission is to provide the resources for Airmen to become fit-to-fight and accomplish the mission,” said Aaron Leach, 19th Force Support Squadron fitness and sports director. “We have a lot of programs available to help facilitate that.”
The journey toward achieving physical fitness may seem intimidating, but no Airman has to go it alone with the help of the popular Vital 90 class which is available 19 times a week. The class promotes proper movement, high intensity intervals and combined strength training. The classes are varied, with members sometimes finding themselves transitioning from jogging to deadlifts all in one class.
“I go to Vital 90 and I feel like if you’re struggling with any part of your PT test it’s definitely the class to go to,” said Airman 1st Class Astacia Richardson, 19th FSS fitness specialist. “It helps with all aspects of your PT test, and out of all of the classes available it’s the most intense.”
Using such a dynamic tool for developing physical fitness is an efficient way to get started towards the ultimate goal of being an Airmen capable of supporting their comrades. One way to train for this is to diversify workouts and not focus on one muscle group or method of working out.
"Our workout room has a lot of diversity with the machines and other equipment available,” Leach said. “The focus is on diversity, not specificity.”
The Fitness and Sports Center has 24-hour access available for Airmen who don’t make it to the gym during the typical duty day, although they must first register their common access card at the front desk of the facility. Providing so many avenues for Airmen to build themselves into a physically capable asset in the field shows the importance of customer service at the Fitness and Sports.
“My mission is to provide good customer service and the necessities for everyone to be able to pass their physical fitness test,” Richardson said. “If you’re having trouble, then come on down.”