LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. — Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg, Air Force Surgeon General, visited the 19th Medical Group to meet with medical Airmen and answer questions they have about recent changes to their profession at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, October 27.
“We were able to sit down with Lt. Gen. Hogg and have an honest conversation on struggles we face in the medical group during the pandemic as well as discuss a proposed shift in medical staff across the Air Force,” said Col. Jennifer Bratz, 19th MDG commander. "These conversations were vital to ensure medics maintain their Ready Warrior status while battling this invisible enemy.”
The day started at the medical group’s daily safety huddle and then followed with an immersion brief where Airmen from the 19th and 189th Medical Groups shared the mission and accomplishments of their respective units. They also showcased their ability to enhance the total force partnership during low manning concerns since the pandemic began.
Hogg visited various medical facilities to see each clinic’s innovative efforts in maintaining operations and readiness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hogg also asked for candid feedback to each of the sections on how they feel about the restructuring of the medical squadrons, which occurred a little over a year ago.
“Medic Airmen showed Hogg innovative solutions they’ve implemented in their sections and offered their opinions on the restructuring of the clinic,” Bratz said. “It’s so important for her to see our Airmen improving their work centers at the lowest level and taking the initiative to better progress as medics.”
Additionally, Hogg shared about her time stationed at Little Rock AFB from 2001-2004. She noted the physical changes the clinic has endured from renovations as well as the operational restructuring.
Following her tour of the medical facilities, Hogg hosted an all-call with Airmen assigned to the 19th MDG.
“What an amazing visit,” Hogg said. “The Air Force has done quite a bit in the past couple of years to include restructuring medical groups to better balance operational readiness and healthcare. I know we will have to continue to make tweaks in the future, but I’d like to believe we’re on the right path.”
During this all call, Hogg also discussed the importance of equity in our Air Force culture, and how it’s key to maintaining and retaining Ready Warriors.
“What are the systematic changes we need to bring equity?” Hogg said. “We must share our stories. Sharing the good, the bad and the ugly allows for all Airmen to become inclusive with their peers in becoming ready to stand with their wingmen for tomorrow’s fight.”