More than ever before, the world is connected to a vast
cyberdomain. The internet touches most aspects of daily life. With one click of
a mouse or swipe of a finger, people can access volumes of information
available to all users.
This is why it’s imperative for service members and
government employees to use their situational awareness when operating within the
Department of Defense network, as well as their personal computers.
October is the month to brush up on online safety as it marks
the beginning of National Cyber Security Awareness month.
“The purpose of this month is to raise awareness and mitigate
the threats we face in cyberspace every day,” said U.S. Air Force Maj. Daniel
Presland, 19th Communications Squadron commander. “We want Airmen to understand
that the actions they take online have implications in the real world and that
there are cybercriminals out there.”
Shopping, banking and connecting with loved ones have become
normal online activities. As a result, individuals increasingly share more
sensitive information that’s highly sought after by cybercriminals – which is
why it's critical to secure network connections.
“One way Airmen can increase their cyber awareness is by
performing ‘cyber hygiene,’” Presland said. “That means taking care of those
easy, but fundamental, aspects of cybersecurity.”
This includes, but is not limited to,
Ensuring antivirus software and security patches
are up-to-date
Not clicking on suspicious links
Strengthening passwords
Removing common access cards from computers
Encrypting emails
Configuring privacy settings on social media
“Cybercriminals will use any vulnerability that exists on
your computer’s software or infrastructure in order to compromise your machine,”
Presland said. “By taking those fundamental steps, you are one-step ahead of the
The goal is to secure Little Rock Air Force Base’s network
and ensure outside threats do not gain access to information that could
compromise base security and its resources.
“Everybody has a piece in ensuring the cyberspace domain
remains a safe and secure space to operate within,” Presland said. “From the
newest Airmen to the highest ranking official, if we don’t take vital steps to
make sure everyone understands the threats, then we are at risk of adding to
those vulnerabilities.”
Virtually every mission across the range of military
operations depends on cybersecurity.
“Just like air, space and land, we must have command and
control of cyberspace,” Presland said. “If digital systems are compromised,
hacked or brought down, we lose that vital command and control feature across
the base meaning we can’t launch aircraft.”
Every time Airmen connect to a cybernetwork, whether at home
or at work, decisions are made that affect cybersecurity. From the information Airmen
choose to share, to the links they will click, online activities can either
enable or prevent cyberattacks and intrusions.
For more information, visit