LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. -- Name and Rank: Senior Airman Trey Brown
Unit: 19th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron/ Warrior Operational Medicine Clinic
Official Duty title: Aerospace Medical Technician
Hometown: Satellite Beach, Florida
Time in service: 3 years
Time at Little Rock: 2 years
Goals: Be accepted in the Physician Assistant Commissioning Program
Hobbies: Snowboarding and hanging out with his dogs
Brown was selected as the lead medic for three morale events across base, where he provided medical oversight for 5,600 attendees and treated 14 patients.
Additionally, Brown truly cares for his patients and is in tune with their medical needs. He identified an Airman at-risk for suicide, based off the member’s body language. This patient felt comfortable disclosing that they did have suicidal ideations, which led Trey to provide the member with additional resources and a referral to a higher level of care. His diligence was critical in potentially saving the Airman’s life.
Finally, Brown liaised with two clinics within the Medical Group to close a prescription authorization gap. He created a process guide, which streamlined operations and expedited 702 medications for patients.