LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. -- The Arbor Day Foundation named Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, as a 2023 Tree City USA for its commitment to effective urban forest management, Feb. 19, 2024.
The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. Little Rock AFB is part of a network of more than 3,600 Tree City USA communities nationwide, with a combined population of 155 million.
In a recent news release, Dan Lambe, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation, passed on his congratulations to the Team Little Rock community for making the planting and care of trees a priority.
"Tree City USA communities see the positive effects of an urban forest firsthand," said Lambe. “The trees being planted and cared for by Little Rock AFB are ensuring that generations to come will enjoy to a better quality of life. Additionally, participation in this program brings residents together and creates a sense of civic pride, whether it's through volunteer engagement or public education."
Little Rock AFB achieved Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program's four requirements: maintaining a tree board or department, having a tree care ordinance, dedicating an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita, and hosting an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
This past year, Col. Denny Davies, 19th Airlift Wing and installation commander, alongside leaders from across Team Little Rock, planted newly transplanted trees on base during an Arbor Day celebration. Tree saplings were later planted near the trees with the hope that they will grow into towering symbols of resilience and sustainability for generations to come.
The event displayed a commitment to fostering green spaces, environmental awareness and sustainable practices within the community.