LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. -- Col. Denny Davies, 19th Airlift Wing and installation commander, held an all-call for officers across Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, Feb. 20, 2024.
During the all-call, Davies spoke to recently announced Department of the Air Force changes involving re-optimization toward Great Power Competition and the impacts of those changes at all levels. He emphasized the crucial role Mission Ready Airmen play as the Air Force accelerates necessary changes to stay ahead of our pacing challenges, referencing the base's recent participation in last month’s EXPLODEO as a key example on how Air Mobility Command and Little Rock AFB are getting after the future fight.
Davies also imparted leadership wisdom to the audience of company and field grade officers, expressing the importance of seeking professional military education opportunities and enhancing their individual professional acumen, both within and outside of their career fields. He also encouraged the officers to give themselves some grace as they navigate various challenges that are inherent to leading well.
"As leaders, we must always strive to be worthy of the various personal and professional positions we encumber. The core values are the best place to start," said Davies. "You lead the most talented and hardest-working group of patriots our Nation has to offer. They are looking to you; be worthy and lead them well."
The all-call was followed by a Q&A session, where Davies gave officers the opportunity to ask questions regarding the future of the organization.
The all-call concluded with some parting words from Chief Master Sgt. Patrick Lombardo, 19th Security Forces Squadron senior enlisted leader and 19th AW interim acting command chief, who encouraged the officers to lean on their non-commissioned officers for their wealth of experience.