Three vaccines now available at Tricare network pharmacies

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Tricare beneficiaries can now receive select vaccines with no out-of-pocket expense at retail pharmacies.

For the first time, beneficiaries can visit Tricare retail network pharmacies to receive seasonal flu, H1N1 flu and pneumonia vaccines at no cost. This expanded coverage is available to all Tricare beneficiaries eligible to use the Tricare retail pharmacy benefit.

Other vaccines still must be administered in a doctor's office or authorized convenience clinic to be fully covered by Tricare's preventive health services cost-share waiver.

"Vaccines are the most effective defense against the seasonal and H1N1 flu and pneumonia," said Rear Adm. Thomas McGinnis, Tricare's chief pharmacy officer. "We hope this new, convenient and affordable option encourages Tricare beneficiaries to get their vaccinations."

To receive the vaccines, beneficiaries can call their local Tricare retail network pharmacy to make sure it participates in the vaccine program and has the vaccine in stock. To locate a participating retail network pharmacy, go to or call Express Scripts at 877-363-1303.

(Courtesy of Air Force News Services)