Name and Rank: 1st Lt Joshua Hjelmaas
Unit: 19 AW/JA
Official Duty title: Chief, Adverse Actions
Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa
Time in service: 7 Months
Time at Little Rock: 7 Months
Goals: Learn to Juggle, run another marathon, get more experience in Operations Law
Hobbies: Swimming, Running, Reading
19th Airlift Wing priority portrayed and why?
Lt Hjelmaas has taken over the Adverse Actions program with great aplomb, managing the execution of Nonjudicial Punishments and Discharge Actions for 23 units across two Wings.
In addition to Military Justice, he has worked tirelessly to provide Legal Advice and Legal Instruments such as Wills and Powers of Attorney to the Black Knights family, assisting 11 clients and saving them approximately $1150 in legal fees.