Name and Rank: SSgt Matthew Sanders
Unit: 19th Civil Engineer Squadron
Official Duty title: NCOIC, Explosive Ordinance Disposal Training
Hometown: Ridgecrest, California
Time in service: 12 years
Time at Little Rock: 7 months
Goals: Promote to TSgt and finish his Bachelor's degree
Hobbies: Working Out, camping and woodworking
19th Airlift Wing priority portrayed and why?
SSgt Sander’s arrived to Little Rock last fall and hit the ground running by taking over the EOD training section, organizing over 450 hours of classroom and practical training.
He also serves as lead instructor for the Little Rock Air Force Base WAR Center. He taught Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) recognition to four classes, preparing 88 students for war with a pacing challenger.
Finally, he helped organize the 19th Airlift Wing Aim High event, partnering with four AFSCs to showcase a joint combat training demonstration for 65 local high school students.