Name and Rank: Staff Sgt. Patrick Stone
Unit: 19 OG
Official Duty title: Loadmaster/Interim OG Exec
Hometown: DeQueen, Arkansas
Time in service: 8 years
Time at Little Rock: 2 years
Goals: Recently got accepted for palace chased to Arkansas ANG, short-term goal is to get immersed down there and continue putting down roots in the local area.
Hobbies: running, board games, video games
19th Airlift Wing priority portrayed and why?
A loadmaster by trade, Stone filled the 19th Operations Group enlisted executive position for three months where he oversaw hundreds of taskers; drove connectedness, cut down communication barriers, and weeded out bureaucratic processes on staff with his fresh perspective and critical thinking approach.
Additionally, he oversaw multiple airdrop malfunction incidents, trained replacement malfunction leads, and shared best practices with the 314th AW and ANG teams.
Finally, he was the lead loadmaster instructor for multiple joint airlift/drop exercises; integrated with other MAF aircraft, Army paratroopers, and ground teams to ensure our collective force is ready for pacing challenges and acute threats around the globe.