Name and Rank: A1C Sarah Cooper
Unit: 19th Healthcare Operations Squadron
Official Duty title: Outpatient Records Technician
Hometown: Sierra Leone, West Africa
Time in service: 18 months
Time at Little Rock: 1 year
Goals: Complete Masters in Healthcare Admin and certification in Med Services Mngmt.
Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music and hiking.
19th Airlift Wing priority portrayed and why?
As an outpatient records technician, A1C Cooper services the healthcare benefit needs of 41,000 beneficiaries at Little Rock AFB.
A1C Cooper led the quality assurance reviews on approximately 130 medical records and 2,000 documents, ensuring the security of protected health information and exceeded Air Force standard by 33% monthly.
A1C Cooper also audited 3,500 medical records, located 64 missing records and beat the HHQ suspense by 31 days. Finally, A1C Cooper co-led an urgent aeromedical evacuation recovery, liaising with three agencies and managing complex movement in under 72 hours, enabling a Black Knight’s safe and expeditious return from the deployed location to home station for treatment.