LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. -- Name and Rank: Tech. Sgt. Robert W. Smith
Unit: 189th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Duty title: Air transportation craftsman
Hometown: North Little Rock, Arkansas
Time in service: 15 years
Time at Little Rock: 13 years
Goals: Obtain the rank of master sergeant and serve as a first sergeant
Hobbies: Cycling, running, water sports, camping, and being with his family
Air Force Core Value portrayed: Service Before Self
Why was the individual selected and how do they display the core value?
Smith is all about taking care of Airmen and leading them in the right direction for success. He believes in mentoring younger Airmen on how to rig and recover airdrop and shows them the proper way to carry out our day-to-day mission. He is the first to volunteer for any given thing that comes up. He has stepped up to fill the role on drill weekend as our alternate first sergeant and performs his duties on a top notch level. Smith makes himself available to anyone needing questions answered and either answers them himself or gets the answer through someone else.