Chief Master Sergeant Cameron C. Davis is the Command Chief, 314th Airlift Wing, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas. He serves a critical role on the Command Team as a key strategist, operations advisor, mentor and advocate for the overall mission while leading more than 450 Airmen, 350 contractors and 1,200 aircrew students annually. The Wing is responsible for training all Department of Defense C-130 aircrew members as well as those from the United States Coast guard and 47 international partners at the nation’s only C-130 tactical airlift “Center of Excellence.” Chief Davis serves as the principal advisor to the commander on military and civilian health, welfare and morale matters, mission readiness, proper utilization of resources and the professional development of all assigned wing personnel and recommends actions to improve organizational efficiency and communicates command policy throughout the organization.
Chief Davis is a native of Beaver, Utah and entered the Air Force in May 1995. He has held numerous leadership positions at the flight, squadron, group, wing and major command levels to include, Squadron Superintendent, Group Superintendent, Air National Guard Career Field Functional Manager and Major Command Functional Manager. He has served in various assignments including bases in Okinawa, South Carolina, Germany, Maryland, Nebraska and Japan and has deployed in support of Operations SOUTHERN WATCH, NORTHERN WATCH, PLAN COLOMBIA and ENDURING FREEDOM. Prior to assuming his current position, he was the Group Superintendent of the 55th Mission Support Group, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.
1995 Air Transportation Apprentice Course, Lackland, AFB, Texas
2000 Combat Readiness Training Course, Lackland AFB, Texas
2000 Airman Leadership School, Charleston AFB, S.C.
2007 Kisling Noncommissioned Officer’s Academy, Kapaun Air Station, Germany
2008 Associate in Applied Science Degree, Transportation Management, Community College of the Air Force
2009 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Correspondence, Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va.
2011 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Gunter Annex, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2015 PACAF Chief Master Sergeant Orientation, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii
2017 CMSgt Leadership Academy, Chiefs Leadership Course, Gunter Annex, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2020 Senior Enlisted Legal Orientation Course, Judge Advocate General School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.
2021 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education II Correspondence, Joint Forces Staff College, Norfork, Va.
2021 Command Chief Master Sergeant Training Course, Joint Base Andrews, Md.
2021 Africa Seminar, Alan L. Freed Associates, Washington D.C.
1. May 1995 – July 1995, Trainee, Basic Military Training, Lackland Air Force Base AFB, Texas
2. July 1995 – August 1998, Student, Air Transportation Technical School, Lackland AFB, Texas
3. September 1995 – May 1998, Cargo Processing & Fleet Services Specialist, 633rd Air Mobility Support Squadron, Kadena Air Base, Japan
4. June 1998 – April 2004, Air Transportation Mobility Specialist, Combat Readiness Mobility NCO, Cargo Processing Supervisor, 437th Aerial Port Squadron, Charleston AFB, S.C. (October 1998 – February 1999, Information Controller, 8th EAMS, Prince Sultan AB, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), (September 2002 – January 2003, NCOIC, Cargo Processing, 320th EAPS, Seeb North Air Base, Sultanate of Oman)
5. April 2004 – June 2009, NCOIC Airlift Requirements 603d Air and Space Operations Center, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
6. June 2009 – April 2011, NCOIC Passenger Service, 721st Aerial Port Squadron, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
7. April 2011 – August 2013, Command Air Transportation Manager, National Guard Bureau, Joint Base Andrews, Md.
8. August 2013 – November 2014, Superintendent, Aerial Port Operations, 89th Aerial Port Squadron, JB Andrews, Md.
9. November 2014 – June 2016, Superintendent, Aerial Port, 730th Air Mobility Squadron, Yokota, Air Base, Japan
10. June 2016 – August 2017, Squadron Superintendent, 730th Air Mobility Squadron, Yokota, Air Base, Japan
11. August 2017 – July 2018, Air Transportation Functional Manager, Headquarters United States Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa, Directorate of Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
12. July 2018 – July 2020, Group Superintendent, 721st Air Mobility Operations Group, Ramstein Air Base, Germany (September 2018 – December 2018, Interim Command Chief, 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing, Ramstein Air Base, Germany)
13. July 2020 – July 2021, Group Superintendent, 55th Mission Support Group, Offutt AFB, Neb.
14. July 2021 – Present, Command Chief, 314th Airlift Wing, Little Rock AFB, Ark.
Meritorious Service Medal with silver oak leaf cluster and bronze oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal with two bronze oak leaf clusters
Air Force Achievement Medal with one oak leaf cluster
Meritorious Unit Award with four oak leaf clusters
National Defense Service Medal with single bronze star
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
Air & Space Campaign Medal
Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon with Gold Border
2014 89th Airlift Support Group SNCO of the Year
2014 89th Airlift Wing, Logistics Readiness SNCO of the Year
2013 Air National Guard, Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award
2013 Air National Guard, Col Gail Halvorsen Outstanding Air Trans SNCO of the Year
2013 Air National Guard Readiness Center, SNCO of the Year
2013 Air National Guard, Logistics Readiness Staff Manager of the Year
2010 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing, SNCO of the Year
2009 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing, Col Gail Havorsen Outstanding Air Transportation SNCO of the Year
2008 603rd Air & Space Operations Center, Air Transportation Staff Enlisted Manager of the Year
2007 United States Air Forces in Europe, Col Gail Halvorsen Air Transportation Individual of the Year
2005 USAFE Air Mobility Operations Center, NCO of the Year
Chief Master Sergeant July 1, 2016
(Current as of April 2022)