Security and policy review process determines the suitability for public release  of information. Department
of Defense Directive 5230.09, Clearance of DOD Information  for Public Release, requires information relating
to the plans, policies, programs, or  operations of DOD or the U.S. Government proposed for public release be
sent  through PA channels to the appropriate clearance level for review. Whether information  is prepared as an
official release or a personal enterprise, it must be reviewed and  cleared before release.

Originators must ensure disclaimers accompany all publications they authorize in a  private capacity. An
appropriate disclaimer is: 


 "The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official 
policy or position of  the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government." 

All Air Force military and civilian personnel, including Air National Guard and Air Force  Reserve personnel on
active duty, who release material related to their active duty  assignment, retired military members, and former
Air Force civilian employees will  use this review service to ensure DOD-related information released to the public
is  consistent with their requirement to safeguard classified material.

For more information contact Public Affairs at (501) 987-6744 or email us at


    Material proposed for public release that mentions Little Rock AFB units, Air Force,
    Department of Defense, or any other government agency's plans, policies, programs,
    operations, budget, personnel or activities needs to be cleared through Security and
    Policy Review. If your material does not mention or discuss any of these issues, or
    foreign policy/military operations, it probably doesn't require coordination.

    Only submit material proposed to be released to a public forum. Material intended to be
    shared exclusively with the AF, DoD and Defense Contractors involved in the program
    normally does not require Security and Policy Review.

    Do NOT submit contractual documents or other material intended for posting to the
    Federal Business Opportunities ( website in support of the DoD acquisition
    mission. Although these materials should be reviewed by unit Operational Security
    Managers and Foreign Disclosure personnel to verify they do not contain critical information
    before they are posted, Air Force policy precludes sending them through the Security and
    Policy Review process.

    Items that may require Public Affairs review include (other applicable items may not be listed): 

    • Advertisement

    • Announcement

    • Articles

    • Audio

    • Photos

    • Videos

    • Award Packages

    • Papers

    • Biographies

    • Blog posts

    • Books

    • Manuscripts

    • Briefing charts

    • Brochures

    • Case Studies

    • Dissertation/Thesis

    • Editorials

    • Essays

    • Fact Sheets

    • Graphics

    • Handbooks

    • Job posting

    • Media Statement

    • Memo

    • News Release

    • Nomination

    • Op-Ed

    • Posters

    • Presentations

    • Remarks

    • Syllabus

    • Technical papers & data

    • Web Content

    • White Paper

    • Yearbooks

    • Etc.