Department of the Air Force offers civilians more than 30 development programs

  • Published
  • By Air Force’s Personnel Center Public Affairs

The Academic Year 2022 Civilian Developmental Education, Civilian Strategic Leader Program, and Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program application call runs Jan. 13 through Feb. 26.

The Department of the Air Force provides developmental education, academic programs, and leadership assignment opportunities to prepare civilian Airmen and Guardians to anticipate and successfully meet challenges across the wide range of Air and Space Force operations and missions, and ultimately any high-end fight.

“The goal of civilian force development is to identify interested civilians who want to increase their professional development and select them for the developmental education or experience that aligns with their personal and professional goals and the needs of the Department of the Air Force,” said Becky Venters, Air Force Personnel Center Civilian Leadership Development chief. “Participation in developmental programs positively impacts retention and is one of the ways the Department invests in its people.”

Civilian development experts encourage eligible Air and Space Force civilians to review available developmental opportunities with their short and long-term goals in mind. Before applying, civilians should share their intent and get input from their supervisors.

Civilian force development programs cultivate leadership and institutional competencies while expanding participants’ understanding of the role of air, space, and cyberspace power. Force development opportunities are divided into four categories to include Developmental Education (Basic, Intermediate and Senior), Academic/Fellowships, Leadership Seminars and Short Course, and Experiential Assignments.

The first category, Developmental Education, offers 13 unique programs. New opportunities for AY22 include space-focused programs of study within Air Command, Staff College and Air War College. The second category, Academic/Fellowships, is launching an in-resident Bachelor’s degree option and the President’s Management Council-Interagency Rotation program this year. The third category, Leadership Seminars and Short Courses, includes multiple opportunities that target specific leadership competencies--many in a one-week format.

The final category, Experiential Assignments, includes CSLP and ESEP. CSLP selects garner a broad, three-year, senior-level leadership experience outside their traditional functional areas and is open to civilians from all career fields. ESEP provides civilians from the Scientist and Engineer career field the opportunity to work with allied governments to promote international cooperation in defense research, development, testing, and evaluation. This program provides a unique, two-year broadening opportunity in one of 16 allied nations.

“The Department of the Air Force will always need leaders with the right competencies and professional development to accomplish the mission,” Venters added. “This requires taking a deliberate approach to developing our force. Supervisors and leaders are an essential element of this process and will have access to review and endorse applications in MyVector through March 13. Ideally, supervisors will invest in learning about the development opportunities available and facilitate honest conversations with team members about applying for the right opportunity at the right time in their careers.”

Department of the Air Force civilians in permanent positions are eligible to apply. Applicants must submit their applications by Feb. 26 using MyVECTOR at Google Chrome is the recommended browser to register, create, and access your account.

For more information on eligibility requirements and full program details, visit the myPers Civilian Force Development website at

For additional CDE information, contact the AFPC Leadership Development Office,; for CSLP, contact AFPC CSLP Office,; and for ESEP, contact AFPC Science & Engineering Career Field Team,